RO-Buddy becomes Uniwelco
It is time to set a new direction for our company, which has been serving our customers with intelligent software solutions for welding robots, which are both easy-to-use and efficient from day one. RO-Buddy ApS will change its name to Uniwelco ApS, which is short for “Unique Welding Cobots” as the animation illustrates. The product will remain the same, and we will continue to provide our customers with the same service level, but our main identity is going to change. The purpose of this move is to align our communication more precisely and sharpen our value-proposition. Our focus will remain on providing the best solutions, when it comes to software for welding robots, just under a new name.
To our suppliers, we have started a name change of the legal entity previously called RO-Buddy ApS, so that it henceforth shall be referred to as Uniwelco ApS. This means also means, that the process of paying invoices has changed and that there are a variety of factors, which require attentiveness.
The purpose of this post is to inform our valued suppliers of these changes, which have been put in place starting December 1st 2021. We will be at Your disposal, to ensure a smooth transitional period.
Change 1: Future legal entity
From December 1st 2021, the legal entity will be changed to:
Company name: Uniwelco ApS
CVR number: 41785829
P-number: 1026395182
Physical address:
Street: Jens Juuls Vej
Number: 15
Postal code: 8260
City: Viby J
Country: Denmark
Invoice mail: invoice@uniwelco.com
Uniwelco ApS will make sure to keep any outstanding obligations, meaning that there will be no functional difference in the compliance of said agreements.
Please make sure to rectify any existing records, to ensure correct information on invoices.
Change 2: No PO-number, no payment
Uniwelco is simultaneously implementing a new process regarding purchase orders and the payment of said obligations.
- You must include a purchase order-number (PO-number), before you deliver goods and services, to ensure complete payment from Uniwelco. This will increase effectivity and improve the invoice- and payment process.
- The process will improve the collective flow of payment, due to a decrease in requests regarding invoices and payments, as your invoices will match your PO in our system. Hereby, on-time payment is insured.
Starting from December 1st 2021, there will be no payment unless the following criteria are met:
- Orders must include a valid purchasing number related to the previously mentioned legal entity and this must be applied to Your invoice
- The invoice must be addressed to the legal entity, as stated above
- Your invoice must be delivered to the email mentioned below in a PDF-format and must not exceed a file size of 1 MB
- The invoice itself should be apparent on page one of the document, whereas any supplementing documentation should follow thereafter
- Physical paper copies of invoices will not be accepted or processed
Our default payment terms are current month + 30 days, unless anything else is agreed upon.
***Important***: We kindly request, that the information in this document is forwarded to, but not liited to, the department in charge of accounts receivable.
Should any of the procedural changes result in any questions from Your side, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us, through the following channels:
- Mail: info@uniwelco.com
- Phone: +45 70602062
- CEO Lars Jakobsen directly: lj@uniwelco.com or +45 44 12 60 71
- Sales Engineer Henrik Overgaard: ho@uniwelco.com or +45 44 12 60 76